Tag Archives: IRCC

How to book biometrics appointment in India?

This information is about how to book biometrics appointment in India and is of generic in nature for the information purpose only.  For more info refer – https://visa.vfsglobal.com/ind/en/can/ Please download the consent form by Clicking here which you need to fill and carry with you on your scheduled appointment date and time Consent form link : https://assets.ctfassets.net/xxg4p8gt3sg6/2G0GtF7WPLvzToKOfompkv/c03d754f3eaf210cf115e35a9bfd096b/VFS-ConsentForm.pdf

How to submit passport in India when a passport request by IRCC?

This information is for the applicants based in India and is of generic in nature for the information purpose only. For more info refer – https://visa.vfsglobal.com/ind/en/can/ Click on the checkbox and then click submit tab. TIP: Take the screenshot of the reference number generated for future. Consent Form: https://vfs-cic.mioot.com/8080/Consent_Form.pdf Courier Form: https://vfs-cic.mioot.com/8080/courier_form.pdf After this purchase […]